I saw Andrew Brown on La Dolce Vita few weeks ago, and I kind of can’t stop thinking about him. His Birmingham cottage is my dream. It’s collected, cozy and is traditional with a modern twist. His home was originally featured in the July/August Veranda. I can’t wait to be featured in Veranda… dream big, right? I’m currently obsessing over amazing artwork and his home is the jackpot. The nude in his entry is incredible. The beauty of the space is that it’s feminine without being “girly” and masculine without being a “man cave” *sticks tongue out*. His home makes you want to ask about his travels because you know he got his African tribal mask on a trip to Zambia while visiting orphans for two days and then doing a photographic safari. What I’m trying to say with that run on sentence, is every piece in his home has a story. A reflection of his well-lived life. Take a look at this goodness.
Design Crush: Andrew Brown
images via Veranda
Are y’all as blown away as I am? Isn’t it scrumptious? I’ve always loved Birmingham, maybe he needs a roomie… I don’t take up much space. I won’t even bring any of my belongings, his are way better.